I too started adventure gaming with the secret of monkey island and this brought me right back there to the golden age of adventure gaming. the game itself was well written with few bugs (if any). The plot was excellent and had philosophical/metaphysical connotations that left me churning it over for a few minutes during the credits. I have just finished this, short at 6 hours playing time but the it was a page turner.

I too started adventure gaming with the secret of monkey island and this brought me right back there Wow. The game itself was well written with few bugs (if any).

But the best thing was the graphics - the team did a GREAT job with the imagery (if you like Adventure Game graphics) The only thing I didn't like was the final line of dialogue that lends the game part of its title name. It was a lot of fun to play, allbeit a bit short. It reminded me a bit of The Dig, in terms of visual quality and dark, oppressive storyline. Gemini Rue was possibly one of the very best point and clicks I've played. It was a lot of fun to play, allbeit a bit The first videogame I ever played was the Curse of Monkey Island, and I've been playing every sort of game ever since - I'm no stranger to point-n-click adventure games.

The first videogame I ever played was the Curse of Monkey Island, and I've been playing every sort of game ever since - I'm no stranger to point-n-click adventure games.