Eddie Arkadian: you got no class Rock, I know how to handle these show biz types, you gotta wine em, dine em, you let em order a la carte… #16 Eddie Arkadian: Who’s gonna stop me! (Leroy disguised as Ninja busts in) Who the hell is this guy!?! We didn’t order out! Eddie Arkadian: “We didn’t order out” Leroy: from the clocks chime to the cock’s crow is but an instant… I must go.

Richie: Sho’nuff happened! That’s what! And it’s all cause of you! Everybody knows you’re scared of him! Kissed his shoes and everything! What good is that Kung fu jive if you can’t even use it? Coward! Why don’t you go some place and meditate on that! “What good is that Kung Fu Jive if you can’t even use it” Angela: and in the end Eddie you know what? You’re nothing but a misguided midget asshole with dreams of ruling the world… yeah also from Kew Gardens and also getting by on my tits… You just get that sucker to the designated place at the designated time, and I will gladly designate his ass… for dismemberment! Richie Green: I’m gonna slap that sucker silly with a suit for alienation of affection! If it wasn’t for me, he wouldn’t know who she was! Chocolate covered yellow peril! …that sucker better start sleeping with one of his inscrutable eyes open because when I get a chance it’s gonna be a serious case of chop sockey justice coming his way… 45 will put an end to all this kung fu crap, all it takes is one little bullet so take your final bow scum sucker Eddie Arkadian and his. So I’ve picked out the top 22, yes 22, not 5, not 10, not 20, 22! I really wanted to make it a Top 10 list, but 10 Last Dragon quotes just didn’t seem to do this cult classic justice. The Last Dragon has so many classic lines it was impossible to narrow this list down.